Genius Hour No.2

From now until June this year, we will be doing a new Genius Hour project. I will be working on practical skills, such as fixing broken belongings, climbing, and running. However, as it is the middle of winter I will be picking locks. Once the snow clears and outdoor activities are easier to perform, I will move on to the aforementioned skills.

The main factors which could “make or break” this project are as follows: The snow not clearing in time, my bodily health being compromised, an authority figure deeming this project inappropriate, and finally poor time management. I will do my best to control the factors I can change, but the ones I cannot will be left to chance.

My final presentation will again be a video detailing the events occurring throughout the project.

Final Blog Post for this Project

Today marks the end of my first Genius Hour project. Overall, I am very happy with the outcome. I learned a lot and improved greatly. As a side note, my final presentation will not be available for viewing as it is compressed far beyond reasonable levels, and is not necessary for understanding the course of my project thus far.

Thank you for joining me for this journey, and I hope to see you again for the next one.

Week 7 – Posing and Faces

I haven’t been remembering to post, so take this meager offering.

The image

We will have to consult someone about our project soon, which is a minor issue as I don’t see what I could say. All this project is, is me drawing mediocre-at-best art with a pencil I found on the ground. But it is a requirement, so I’ll have to find something.

Basic Human Skeleton

Again made with paper, a pencil, and references. I had already known about the ulna and radius twisting when the forearm is rotated, but it is relatively interesting so I decided to document it. Next time, I will make the figure appear in various dynamic poses, some playing with interesting angles or perspective.

A collection of sub-mediocre drawings

I am aware of the odd proportions of the top-left figure.

Genius Hour Plan

As previously stated, I will be attempting to learn more about drawing human anatomy.

  • If I achieve this goal, it will look like I can draw an accurate and realistic human body.
  • Some steps I will need to make to get to that point are practicing and looking at photos.
  • I will need paper and a pencil, primarily.
  • I will not need any outside help from another person.